Serial Underground
"the subversive nightclub series" (Time Out NY)

Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 pm
Jed Distler host
@ The Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street bet. (6th and 7th Ave.), NYC (map)

Re: Person We Knew, a Bill Evans tribute

Bill Zavatsky Bill Zavatsky, writer
Remembering Bill Evans in poems and stories

read about Bill Zavatsky here







Bodies ElectricLaurie-Verchomin, writer
reading from her new memoir
The Big Love: Life and Death with Bill Evans.
Featuring Jed Distler, piano, with direction by Arnold Barkus.

visit Laurie's website here





doors open at 5:45PM
$10 general admission
+ food / one drink minimum
Cash only
reservations: 212-989-9319

visit our events page for more info about upcoming events at the Cornelia Street Café.


We open our 2010/11 Serial Underground season with a unique evening to celebrate the great composer/pianist/jazz icon Bill Evans on the thirtieth anniversary of his death on September 15, 1980. Bill was an early mentor of mine. Although it took me a long to appreciate his influential lyrical side, the hard-swinging extroversion that characterized how he played in his last years grabbed me. I suspect our casual friendship arose from common musical interests; for instance, our mutual appreciation of great classical pianists. Bill set me up with a job fixing up and editing his transcribed solos for a book. and we painstakingly cross-checked details over the phone (this was before fax machines and computers, remember). Iıd plunk out a chord on my piano, and heıd say yes or no or change this or keep that, and so forth.

Tonightıs guest writers certainly bring us closer to the man behind the music. Bill Zavatskyıs poems stay with you long after you read or hear them. Laurie Verchominıs upcoming memoir about her life with Bill Evans in the last year and a half of his life runs the full emotional gamut. Once I started reading it, I couldnıt stop. Laurie and I decided to frame her words with piano music, and although Iım using Billıs compositions or, in some cases, songs associated with him, strangely enough, Iım not playing like him. Maybe a chord or two, or a favorite lick, but I just canıt do my once letter-perfect Bill Evans imitation anymore. Perhaps thatıs a good thing. When I told Bill how much I had stolen from him, he said "Go right ahead. Thatıs what I did when I was young. It only took me forty years to evolve my own style!"

Célia and I attended the opening night of what proved to be Billıs last engagement, September 9, 1980 at Fat Tuesday (a long gone jazz club on 16th Street and 3rd Avenue). It was our first date, and thirty years later weıre still together, still married, and still dating.